since 1997

To get the raw, always in refrigerated trucks, is processed at the time of its receipt once has been isnpeccionada and controlled, thus ensuring its quality and ensure totally fresh products.
The treatment is carried out in a continuous line to avoid possible periods of interruption and always serving the health and hygiene regulations.
The fatty tissue (pork) grind to facilitate its subsequent casting into the boiler fed by water vapour generator inject live steam and used to heat and melt the fatty tissues and make the extraction of the fat.
The melted product is then deposited in a deposit precolador for its sedimentation and filtering, which separates the liquid part of the pork rinds. Part of melted fat leads to a decanter to separate the liquid fat of the pork rinds that has been able to stay.

The resulting liquid leaf lard is packaged and stored in a refrigeration Chambers for optimal preservation.
The cracklings on the other hand, press to squeeze the part of fat which contains and is sent to the decanter for their recovery.
The pressed chicharrĆ³n, finally, containing less than 20% fat.
For production of lard, liquid fat is homogenised in the mixers and solidifies at a controlled temperature by adding necessary and authorized preservatives for better conservation, proceeding to the packaging in various formats.